LoyalFree lists the businesses closest to you and allow you to claim discount or collect loyalty stamps there.

You can also find local events and fun interactive trails.

You can change your location by clicking the banner at the top to start exploring other places too.

What is LoyalFree?

LoyalFree is a mobile phone app which replaces and improves the act of stamping a physical loyalty card. Customers collect stamps until they have enough to claim their reward. At the same time, valuable customer data is pulled into a dashboard and provides information which allows you to create truly sustainable relationships with your customers.

Is LoyalFree available on all phones?

The LoyalFree app is available on Apple (iPhone and iPad) and Android devices which have cameras.

It can easily be downloaded by searching for “LoyalFree” on the app stores or going to www.loyalfree.co.uk/download on a mobile phone.

How do I collect stamps and earn rewards?

You can download the LoyalFree app to find nearby deals. At the point of sale, you simply scan a QR code to receive your stamps instantly.

When enough points have been collected you are notified within the app. The next time you scan the businesses unique QR code you receive the reward and start collecting stamps again.

If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at: [email protected]