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Usually £48 per month – That is over £500 per year up for grabs

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LoyalFree app
LoyalFree app

3 reasons to enter this competition…

1. 100’s of profile views and shares every month.

2. Up to £617 in EXTRA revenue each month.

3. Keep your customers coming back time and time again.

Do you want free and effective advertising?

Fill out the form below before the opportunity is gone…

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Ruth Skinner from Smörgås Sandwich Bar in Leicester is loving being on LoyalFree. Click ‘Play’ above to see why!

Cost of Other Advertising


To get on the first page of Google:

£500 per month

To have a one off, untracked, magazine article:

£400 per month

A social media Tweet from a well established University:

£200 per Tweet

Listing on the LoyalFree app:

£40 per month – Discounts Available!

Some Of Our Amazing Customers

St Martin’s Cafe

Company Logo


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Everards Brewery

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Dolce and Verde

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Media & Awards

Local community eye magazines
Loughborough echo magazine
Leicester tech startup
Tech city
Tech nation
DMU Enterprise Blog
Niche business awards
Love Loughborough

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Business Views

on the LoyalFree app

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App Users

that will be attracted to your business

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Local Businesses

who you can share customers with